Investor Visa
E1 Investor Visa
This non-immigrant visa allows the investor to start a business in the United States. Likewise, the E2 visa allows the applicant and her family, including the spouse and children under the age of 21, to temporarily reside in the United States. Similarly, the spouse may apply for a work permit once in the United States.
The investor can apply for this visa either inside or outside the United States. In order to apply for it, it must be proved that the person has made a substantial investment in the United States. US laws do not establish a minimum amount, so that amount may vary depending on the type of business; but it is generally considered that an investment of $100,000-$150,000 can be enough.
Likewise, it is extremely important to show that the business is running and generating jobs inside the US. If all of the above is proven, the investor will obtain his visa and may temporarily reside in the United States for a period of 2 to 5 years. Please note that this visa can be renewed indefinitely.
Immigrant Visa
EB-5 Immigrant Visa
This preference is for employment creation-investor visas. It provides conditional residency for those who invest $1 million in a new commercial enterprise that employs at least 10 full time US workers. A lesser investment of $500,00 may qualify the investor if the investment is in one of the targeted employment areas. These include rural areas with population of less than 20,000 or locations that have experienced unemployment at 150% of the national average.
Employment Based Visas
Visa H1B
This classification allows persons who will engage in a specialty occupation, or are fashion models of distinguished merit and ability. “Specialty occupation” is defined as a position that requires the theoretical and practical application of a body of highly specialized knowledge and a bachelor’s or higher degree (or its equivalent) for entry into the field.
I visa
This visa is available to individuals who are representatives of foreign media. Individuals who are working for foreign press, radio, film, or other information media that can enter under this category as long as they are employed with foreign media. Also, this visa could be granted to independent production companies who hold a credential issued by a professional journalism association.
L Visas
This visa facilitates the admission of multinational corporate executives and managers, or persons with specialized knowledge. The person must have been employed abroad by the parent, branch, affiliate, or subsidiary corporation of the company continuously for one year out of the prior three years.
O visas
O visa applies to two categories of persons: a) The O-1A for people who sustained national or international acclaim, extraordinary abilities in the sciences, arts, education, business or athletics. b) The O-1B is for people of extraordinary achievement in the motion picture or TV production business.
P visas
This visa is for athletes and entertainers. Athletes that are internationally recognized or who are part of a group internationally recognized may apply for this visa. Entertainers in this category may apply if they are part of a performing group, or performing individually, or as an integral part of the performance. Entertainers must enter the US temporarily and solely to perform under a reciprocal exchange program.
TN Visas
This category of non-immigrant visa is for nationals of Canada or Mexico admitted under the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) and who seek to temporarily engage in a business activity at a professional level. This visa and its requirements are very similar to the H1B.
Come to US to receive a training in a professional field
H-3 Visas
In order to come to the US as a “trainee” under this visa, you must be invited by an individual or organization for the purpose of receiving training, in any field including but not limited to: Agriculture, commerce, communications, finance, government, transportation, among other Professions. The keys requirement for this visa are: 1) the proposed training is not available in the foreign national’s native country; and 2) The foreign national will not be placed in a position which is in the normal operation of the business and in which U.S. citizens and resident workers are regularly employed;
J-1 Visa
If you want to come to the US as a trainee, summer-work traveler, or intern; the law office can work with the host company to develop a program approved by the Department of State that will allow you to receive practical experience in the US. Depending on the area of training, Beneficiaries may participate in a program from 6 up to 18 months.
Come to study to the United States
If you would like to study as a full-time student in the United States, you will generally need a student visa. There are two nonimmigrant visa categories for persons wishing to study in the United States. These visas are commonly known as the F and M visas.
F-1 Visa
The F-1 Visa allows you to enter the United States as a full-time student at an accredited college, university, seminary, conservatory, academic high school, elementary school, or other academic institution or in a language training program. In order to qualify for this visa, you must be enrolled in a program or course of study that culminates in a degree, diploma, or certificate and your school must be authorized by the U.S. government to accept international students. Similarly, evidence that financial funds are available to cover the studies should be provided as well.
M-1 Student Visa
The M-1 visa (Vocational Student) category includes students in vocational or other nonacademic programs, other than language training. Please note that M-1 visa holders for technical and vocational programs are not permitted to work during the course of their studies. Similarly, to the F-1 visa, the M-1 student visa applicants must have evidence that sufficient funds are immediately available to pay all tuition and living costs for the entire period of intended stay.